Now, can we have them for breakfast, or morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea … hope we don’t have to wait until supper … or perhaps have one with each sitting!
I love both of these designs, but would love a real gingerbread man more!
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Now, can we have them for breakfast, or morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea … hope we don’t have to wait until supper … or perhaps have one with each sitting!
I love both of these designs, but would love a real gingerbread man more!
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Very interesting! I was going to reverse the inside trees but liked them as they are, so left them inside out, or upside down, or whatever.
I like the second design too … all the trees are upright, and so are the snowmen!
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Something new and different for Christmas this year … lights that don’t need either batteries or to be plugged in to a power source.
Wonder if there is any shiny or sparkling fabric on the market which would be suitable?
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Very interesting, but very busy.
However, if this was turned into a real quilt I would use a quilting thread the same colour as the background to add texture, rather than teh lines seen in the illustration, so it wouldn’t look near as busy.
Love the second design. Very interesting, but nowhere near as busy as the first design
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I love the first!
I love the second too, but I would like it better as a carpet rather than a quilt.
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